USC Aiken Announces New Date for Class of 2020 Commencement

Aiken, SC (04/10/2020) — The University of South Carolina Aiken announced Aug. 15 as the new date for the Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony.

"We are so looking forward to sharing August 15 with all of you. Mark the date on your calendar, share it with family and friends, and be sure to get your caps and gowns," Dr. Sandra Jordan, chancellor, said in an email message to students.

"This will be a day to celebrate all your accomplishments."

The university will still confer degrees to all qualified graduates in May as planned.

The annual spring commencement ceremony was originally scheduled for May 6.

USC Aiken has now claimed that date as Pacer Day.

"We are working on a series of projects that will celebrate and recognize your accomplishments," Jordan wrote in an email to Pacers.