USC Aiken Congratulates Palmetto College Graduates
Aiken, SC (02/21/2020) — The University of South Carolina Aiken conducted its inaugural recognition of those students who completed the Palmetto College Program.
Palmetto College is an online degree completion program offered by USC campuses throughout the state, including USC Aiken. The program is designed for students who have already completed their general education requirements and need to finish their undergraduate degrees online.
Ellis Reeves, who oversees the program in Aiken, wanted to do something special for these students.
"When I first started working for the Palmetto College program, I saw how many hard working individuals were completing degrees online," said Reeves.
"This made me wonder, what can we do to make graduation day special for these students who have never been to the campus, never met an instructor face to face, or even met the Palmetto College staff?"
The result was the Palmetto College Recognition Ceremony, an event held on graduation day that recognizes the hard work of these online students and provides them with an opportunity to interact with the faculty and staff face to face. Dr. Sanela Porca, a professor in the USC Aiken School of Business Administration was the keynote speaker for the ceremony.
During the event, students receive a Palmetto College pin that can be worn during the graduation ceremony. Those with who have earned academic honors also receive special regalia.
"One aspect of the [Palmetto College Recognition Ceremony] that many families praised was that we encouraged them to cheer and scream for their student when we called their name, because this event is about them, and we want them to know how proud we all our of them," Ellis said.
USC Aiken's Palmetto College has online degree completions in accounting, management, and special education.
The following Palmetto College graduates were recognized during the inaugural celebration:
- Matthew Barringer
- Aaron Brandt
- Sherilyn Edwards
- Karen Hall
- Bryan Krieger
- Kelly Metts
- Morgan Schoolfield
- Logan Watson
- Kendra Witherspoon