USC Aiken Makes A Difference With A Local Family

Aiken, SC (12/18/2017) — The University of South Carolina Aiken softball team has been good on the field, but for the fifth consecutive year the team made a huge difference off the field as well.

This year, the Pacers worked in conjunction with the Salvation Army to adopt a family for the holiday season.

"It's not every day you get to make a child's dream come true," head coach Jerry Snyder said. "Even though the experience is something the families never forget, it's also a great way for my team to come together."

"Thinking about the impact that we, as a team, make on the families we adopt during the holidays is such a humbling experience," Kristan Lowery said. "Adopting a family not only brings our team closer together, but it helps us remember the meaning of the holidays."

With the student-athletes gaining a lot from the community in the past, the team decided to give back the last four years. Although the team gave a family a year to remember in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, the squad got more out of it. With it being such a huge success, the Pacers teamed up with the Salvation Army once again to adopt a family.

On Dec. 13, the student-athletes volunteered a few more hours of their time to wrap all the presents that were bought thanks to fundraisers the squad had throughout the semester.

USC Aiken raised a tremendous amount of money for the family, which included four young children.

In addition to toys, the squad made sure to get several additional items for the children and household.

The team gathered and wrapped all the presents for the family and the team was grateful, knowing they made a difference this year.

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