USC Aiken Women's Polo Off to Strong Start

Aiken, SC (01/07/2020) — Just before they hit the books for exams, the University of South Carolina Aiken Women's Polo Team took on a couple of opponents, beating them both on their own turf.

The university team played their first game at the New Bridge Polo and Country Club against Aiken Youth Polo women. The Pacers won that inaugural contest, 4-3.

They then headed to Emory University. While in Atlanta, the Pacers bested the longstanding Emory team, 12-6.

"These ladies are off to an incredible start," said Marissa Collins, advisor for the USC Aiken team.

"They are extremely talented and are working extremely well together as a team.

"We are grateful for our coach, Tiger Kneece, who is guiding our growing polo teams."

The USC Aiken Women's Polo Team includes:

Jessica Wymbs

Grace Fulton

Amanda Fisher

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The USC Aiken Women’s Polo Team, from left, Jessica Wymbs, Grace Fulton and Amanda Fisher, beat Emory University during the Pacers' second contest ever. The university team played their first game at the New Bridge Polo and Country Club against Aiken Youth Polo women and beat them as well.

The USC Aiken Women’s Polo Team, from left, Jessica Wymbs, Grace Fulton and Amanda Fisher, played their first game at the New Bridge Polo and Country Club against Aiken Youth Polo women. After beating the Aiken opponents, the Pacers headed to Emory University where they took home their second win.