USC Aiken
Etherredge Center Filling Seats Fast
Aiken, SC (09/16/2020) — The University of South Carolina Aiken Etherredge Center invites patrons of the arts to help fill every seat in the main theater, giving performers the chance to perform to a "packed" house.
Following the example set by professional sports leagues, the Etherredge Center will offer seats in the theater for patrons to sponsor. Sponsored seats will feature a cut-out of a photo submitted by patrons. The cut-out will be placed at specific seats in the house to assist with social distancing during the performances and remain in place for all Etherredge Center events this year.
"The idea started when I saw the Atlanta Braves and other baseball and soccer teams using a similar idea to put fans in the stadium," said Paul Crook, executive director of the Etherredge Center.
"We are excited about this unique campaign, but audiences need to act fast.
"The Fill-a-Seat-Today, or FAST, campaign allows patrons to be represented at all live shows, even if they're in the comfort of their own home."
The Etherredge Center launched this creative way of filling its house despite the capacity limit due to COVID-19. For $100, a patron will have a likeness printed and placed in a theater seat for the 2020-2021 season. To purchase a seat, visit:
Patrons can submit their photos to represent their commitment to the arts and bring a bit of life to a difficult time for the performing arts.
"The cut-out is a fun idea that makes the audience look full. This is a benefit to the performers, who feed off the energy of a full audience," said Michael St. John, event coordinator.
"Performing arts need all of the support that supporters are willing to give."
To purchase a seat, go to