USC Aiken
Pacers Move Into Residential Complex
Aiken, SC (08/19/2020) — The University of South Carolina Aiken enthusiastically welcomed new and returning students to the housing complex during a four-day move-in process.
"We are thoroughly excited to have our residential students back on campus," said Kevin Kerr, director of university housing.
"The move-in process has gone well over the past few days, and we are looking forward to hosting our socially-distanced Week of Welcome events.
Kerr and his staff adjusted the traditional move-in process just a bit to accommodate the university's COVID-19 mitigation plan and ensure a healthy approach to students' return to campus.
He and the team of staff and students who assisted residents bring their items into their living quarters say there's now a new energy level in the housing complex.
"It truly is great to have students back on campus and in the residence halls. It was lonely here without them!"
Fall semester classes start Aug. 20.