USC Aiken
USC Aiken Names New Dean of College of Sciences and Engineering
Aiken, SC (03/26/2020) — The University of South Carolina Aiken announced the appointment of Dr. Chad Leverette as dean of the College of Sciences and Engineering, effective July 1.
"Dr. Leverette, a professor of chemistry, has been leading the college for nearly two years as interim dean and has had a significant impact across the university," said Dr. Daren Timmons, executive vice chancellor and provost.
"He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position having been on USC Aiken faculty for nearly 16 years, including serving as the chair of the department of chemistry and physics, the director of the Honors Program, and the assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs."
Leverette has been honored as a USC Carolina Trustee Professor, a USC Rising Star, and a South Carolina Governor's Professor of the Year.
Before coming to USC Aiken, he was a senior research scientist at Cargill Industries. He earned his doctorate in analytical chemistry from the University of Georgia and his Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Erskine College.
"Dr. Leverette has clearly proven himself as a professor and as an administrator and has gained the trust of the faculty and staff in the college," Timmons said.